HRP Members Comment on UN Report About LGBTQ+ Persons in Armed Conflict


November 28, 2022

Cartoon of individuals with the rainbow and trans solidarity flags on their clothes using bricks to build a statue of a white dove.

In EJIL: Talk, the blog of the European Journal of International Law, HRP/OPIA Wasserstein Fellow María Cecilia Ercole and Associate Director Abadir Ibrahim published a comment of the newly released UN report about the effects of armed conflict on LGBTQ+ persons. The report was authored by the UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (IE SOGI) Victor Madrigal-Borloz, who also is a Senior Visiting Researcher at HRP.

Ercole and Ibrahim place the IE SOGI report in the context of developments in international humanitarian and human rights law regarding the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals. They conclude that despite some progress in recognizing the outsize impacts of war on queer populations, there remain significant blind spots in international law.

You can read the full article on the blog of the European Journal of International Law.

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